From 2019 to 2023, IGM Trade's total revenue showed fluctuations, reaching a peak of 11,237,149,006 denars in 2021, representing a significant increase compared to previous years. In 2022 and 2023, revenue stabilized at around 9.7 billion denars.
Profit before income tax followed a similar trend, with the highest amount of 3,412,920,594 denars in 2021. Following this record year, profit decreased to around 2 billion denars in 2022 and slightly less than 1 billion denars in 2023.
IGM Trade's rankings by size and success also showed interesting changes. The highest ranking by size was 11th place in 2021, while in terms of success, the company reached 2nd place in the same year. In subsequent years, the rankings varied but remained high.
The average number of employees, on the other hand, showed steady growth from 444 in 2019 to 500 in 2021, then slightly decreased to 480 in 2023.
The financial performance of IGM Trade over the past five years highlights the company's ability to achieve significant growth, especially in 2021. Despite some fluctuations, the company has maintained strong revenue and profit margins. The variations in rankings and employee numbers also reflect the dynamic nature of the business environment in which IGM Trade operates. This analysis indicates that IGM Trade is well-positioned for future growth and success.
The State Statistical Office greets the efforts and dedication of Euro Business Center Skopje, as patron of the publication “200 Largest and most successful”, for promoting the success of the largest and most successful companies in Republic of Macedonia. Presenting official statistical data and the actual economy situation in Republic of Macedonia is of particular importance for the readers of the publication. It is a confirmation for the importance of the statistics in bringing decisions based on relevant, quality, accurate and on-time statistical data.
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