Среда, 12 Март 2025
Дома Клуб 200 Новости Анализи За Нас Контакт


Друштво за проектирање,инженеринг,промет и услуги СТОКУЌА ДООЕЛ Скопје

Годишно издание

The “200 Largest and Successful” review is very helpful for us from the international community. Indeed, the French Embassy is always looking for useful economic indicators and your review allow us to be well informed and to easily identify the most important economic agents of the Macedonian market. Your publication is also one of the best to stay up-to-date with Macedonian fast-moving economy and we are pleased to receive each new edition.

Laurence Auer, Амбасадорот на Франција во Скопје


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